No questions asked, if you are unhappy with our products or services, and still have a balance on the account, we will honor your request for a full refund. Contact our support team to request a refund.
If you file a dispute, rather than asking for a reimbursement, we will retain 50% of the amount disputed while we collect evidence to support our request for a refund.
Payments authorized by Stripe or PayPal can be cancelled only by the client. To cancel your membership or discontinue using our products please log in to PayPal to cancel the authorization. Instructions for Paypal can be found here. You will need to contact us directly if you want to make payments through Stripe.
Orders placed on private accounts or misplaced will not be eligible for a refund. Before placing an order, confirm it.
Your account can be terminated if you engage in fraud such as using stolen or unauthorized credit cards. There are no exceptions.
You should not use multiple servers at once for the same page. In this case, we cannot provide the correct number of followers/likes. These orders will not be refunded. Attention!
The majority of services are available immediately. There are very few services that can take more than 24 hours to arrive. Please contact support if you don't receive your service on time. We are available 24 hours a day to assist you.
No questions asked, if you are unhappy with our products or services, and still have a balance on the account, we will honor your request for a full refund. Contact our support team to request a refund.
If you file a dispute, rather than asking for a reimbursement, we will retain 50% of the amount disputed while we collect evidence to support our request for a refund.
Payments authorized by Stripe or PayPal can be cancelled only by the client. To cancel your membership or discontinue using our products, log into your PayPal account and cancel the authorization. Instructions for Paypal can be found here. You will need to contact us for payments via Stripe.
Orders placed on private accounts or misplaced will not be eligible for a refund. Before placing an order, confirm it.
Your account can be terminated if you engage in fraud such as the use of stolen or unauthorized credit cards. There are no exceptions.
You should not use multiple servers at once for the same page. In this case, we cannot provide the correct number of followers/likes. These orders will not be refunded. Attention!
The majority of services are available immediately. There are very few services that can take more than 24 hours to arrive. Please contact support if you don't receive your service on time. We are available 24 hours a day to assist you.